Classes and Workshops for Adults

ONLINE classes
with Amy Matthews or Sarah Barnaby

These classes for adults give you an opportunity to practice your developmental movement skills at home (or wherever you find yourself).

All classes are listed in Eastern Time (ET):

Tuesdays, 12-1pm ET
Developmental Fundamentals
with Amy Matthews
no class:
Mar 4, Mar 18, Mar 25,
Apr 1

Wednesdays, 10-11am ET
Getting Down & Up

with Sarah Barnaby

Thursdays, 12-1pm ET
Yielding, Rolling, Standing

with Amy Matthews
no class:
Mar 6, Mar 13, Mar 20,
Apr 3

For more details and set-up suggestions, visit:

  • These online sessions will NOT be recorded.
  • It is your choice whether you set up with video or not – we will have our video on and sometimes demonstrate things, sometimes talk. If you have it set up so we can see you, we might be able to give you specific feedback on what you are exploring.
  • The teacher will be available for a few minutes before and after class.
  • We’ll send out a Zoom link before each session to registered participants.
  • Classes are $20, or $15 for BP Sustaining Members. (10-class cards available for $180)
  • Pre-registration is required, at least an hour in advance.
  • Sliding scale prices are available: use promotion code SLIDE_50 for 50% off, SLIDE_25 for 25% off, SLIDE_10 for 10% off. (Please note: if you are able to pay the full price, you will help us offer these sessions to people who need the discount.)
