(as of April 6)
At Babies Project, we talk (a lot) to parents and other caregivers about the importance of helping their babies transition from their active periods, where their attention is directed outward, to a more inner focus, where they can rest and integrate their experiences. We teach them “baby ball,” a way of holding their baby to support them in this cycling inward. In baby ball, a baby can gather into themself within the enveloping, living container of their caregiver’s body and arms.
As always, what we teach about babies applies to humans at every stage of development. We adults also need to periodically turn away from the stimulation, demands and uncertainty of the world, and come back to ourselves for balance and recuperation. And like babies, we need support to settle into.

As we begin our fourth week of ‘staying-at-home’ (based on our NYC experience), we sense our participation in a collective gathering in, a “baby ball state of mind” – each in our own shelter and also together in doing our part to flatten the curve.
Like other “non-essential” businesses, our space will be closed until further notice. For those of you looking for support for your baby’s development, we’re offering online private sessions, which you can book in half-hour increments, and a weekly online group babies session. We’ll let you know as we add online offerings.
We hope you feel safe wherever you are, that you have the support and resources you need, and that you find some sweetness in unplanned solitude and togetherness.
(as of March 23, 2020)
We hope you and your loved ones are safe, well, and finding your way in this uncertain, ground-shifting moment. We’re ok (so far) and we’re navigating our way forward, doing our best to adapt to the landscape as it changes.
In this challenging time, babies go on growing and developing. We’ll keep rolling out online offerings so we can keep supporting you and your little ones’ development. (If you have requests or ideas about how we can help you, please let us know.)
We’re offering 30-minute private developmental movement sessions as well as online versions of our by-donation open Babies! and Toddlers sessions. We’ll take it from there, aiming to meet ourselves, you and our environment where we are, and seeing what can come next. It’s so very developmental!
Wishing you safety, comfort, relationship, and resilience — and “sheltering in” as an opportunity to slow down, get down on the floor and enjoy your little one’s process.
(as of March 15, 2020)
We’re sharing our latest plans relating to the novel coronavirus — our goal is to continue to take care of ourselves and take care of each other as the situation evolves.
Starting Monday, March 16, we will close for at least two weeks. This means all in-person classes and sessions for babies, toddlers and adults are canceled. We will continue to monitor the situation and look forward to re-opening when it feels safe, appropriate, and responsible.
For those of you with babies, while we can’t meet with you in person, we want to continue to support your little ones’ development. To this end, we’ve set up an initial schedule of online private sessions, which you can book in half-hour increments. In these sessions, you can check in with Sarah or Amy about how your little one is doing, or ask specific questions. (After you sign up, we will email to confirm and send you a Zoom link for the session.) And if you’d like to do an hour-long session instead, you can sign up for two consecutive sessions.
To make these sessions accessible to a broad range of families, we’re offering a discount of 50%: enter MARCH2020 in the promotion code section. If you are able to pay the full price, you will help us offer these sessions to people who need the discount. If you are unable to pay the discounted price, email us and we will work with you.
Let us know if you have questions.
As we settle into staying local and close to home and navigate a new landscape, we wish you and your loved ones continued good health and a strong sense of community. Thank you for being part of our community.
Our Update on Coronavirus
(as of March 11, 2020)
We want to keep you updated our responses and plans relating to the novel coronavirus.
We’re on alert, we’ve become even more vigilant about our cleaning practices here at Babies Project, and we’re following developments on a daily basis.
Our intention is to “stay calm and carry on” as long as this approach is in line with guidance from local and national health agencies. That means we’re open and we’re offering our regular schedule of classes and sessions, with changes noted below. We understand and respect your sense of safety and comfort in deciding whether or not to come in.
We believe it’s our shared responsibility to help us all stay healthy while going about our lives as best we can. Here’s what we’re doing and what we’ll ask of you if you come to Babies Project.
What we’re doing:
– We’re stepping up our cleaning regimen around toys and tiles after each developmental movement session, making sure we’re cleaning what gets touched with hands or mouth. As always, we use non-toxic soap, warm water and tea tree oil to clean our toys and tiles.
– We’re wiping down doors handles and other frequently touched surfaces with disinfectant several times daily.
– We’re personally following the recommended safety guidelines for preventing contagion, including frequent and thorough hand-washing, and avoiding touching our faces.
– We’re planning to continue holding our open Babies! and Toddlers sessions, but we’ll limit the number of babies (or toddlers) in each session. Please be sure to book in advance!
What we ask of you:
– Please don’t come in if there’s any question about your own or your child’s health.
– Please don’t come in if you know someone who is infected and there’s a chance you’ve been exposed.
– Wash your hands when you arrive – we’re well-stocked with soap and paper towels in our bathrooms and common area.
As the situation develops and more people are staying close to home, we’re exploring ways we can continue to support you and your babies’ development, in addition to the private online sessions we currently offer.
Let us know if you have questions or concerns. Wishing you and your loved ones good health and a resilient spirit!
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