We ask people who come to observe our Babies! sessions at Babies Project to follow these guidelines.
- You are welcome to come and go. You do not have to be present for the whole class.
- The first time you come to Babies! as an observer, please plan to arrive as close to the start time as possible so we have time to help orient you.
- Feel free to take notes and/or draw.
- No cell phones and no photos in the room.
- The role of observers is to be an outer circle of support for the process going on between the babies, caregivers and IDMEs.
- We ask observers to hold the intention to be a non-judgmental witness and to respect the wholeness and mutuality of the baby-caregiver relationships.
- Stay on the periphery of the room, but feel free to move around the periphery.
- Please do not initiate interaction with the babies, caregivers or IDMEs during the Babies! sessions. If a baby or caregiver initiates interaction with you, please respond with an awareness of your role as observer.
- Infant Developmental Movement Educators (IDMEs) will be moving around the room to be with different age groups and areas of the room.
- Feel free to listen in on what the IDMEs are sharing with caregivers.
- The IDMEs have expertise in developmental movement from birth to walking for the typical developmental spectrum. We may have opinions on nutrition, medical conditions, etc. but as IDMEs we aren’t trained in these areas.
- Babies respond to their experiences in these sessions by crying, sleeping, eating, peeing and pooping. We invite you to notice your responses as well.
- We encourage you to come back as regularly and as often as you like. Please check the schedule to see if there are cancellations.
- Spread the word, babies of all ages from newborn to walking are welcome! We ask caregivers and babies to register ahead of time here.
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